Charity is Priority

For the founders of Current Sleep Solutions, this statement is much more than just a saying, it is a commitment to making a difference, one bed at a time.

Charity Water

663 million people worldwide live without clean water. For every waterbed purchased through Current Sleep Solutions, our partnership with Charity Water will provide much needed funding for 22 organizations that focus on water project implementation.

Air is Charity Too

Over half a million people experience homelessness nightly in the United States, a third of them are made up of families with children. Most evenings, in just about every community, there are not enough beds available to meet the overwhelming demand. With your help, we will make a difference. We will donate a Current Sleep Solutions full size Forever Aire Mattress to a community homeless shelter for every 12 Organic Latex, Innopedic Memory Cell, Luxury Air, or Luxury RV Mattresses purchased.